Why Choose Christian Adoption Consultants?

February 11, 2020

If you're considering using an Adoption Consultant during your adoption journey, it's imperative that you do your research. How can you be sure that Christian Adoption Consultants is worth your investment? Here are six essential attributes that make us stand out:

1. We aren't just adoptive parents-we are professionals. Think with me about this for a minute. If you need surgery do you want someone operating on you who has had the surgery themselves or do you want someone who has been trained to perform the surgery and is surrounded by a team of highly qualified medical professionals with a variety of expertise to weigh in on your situation? There are many consulting companies out there but I'm not aware of any with the level of expertise that CAC has. Our directors founded CAC in 2006, have adopted both domestically and internationally, have served as Founders and Directors of licensed adoption agencies, and have now assisted over 3000 families on their adoption journey. Our team comes with incredible combined expertise and experience; we hold degrees ranging from masters to bachelors in the counseling, social work, child welfare, and human services fields. Our team is comprised of licensed social workers, Certified Parent Trainers with TCU Institute of Child Development, two birth mothers, an adoptee, ministry leaders, as well as adoptive parents. At CAC your Consultant will not only draw from their own experience and training to serve you with excellence, they will be linked together with other adoption professionals on our team to provide you expert help.

2. We take adoption ethics seriously. Pretty much any adoption entity out there is going to say they are ethical. Please don't just take their word for it. At CAC, we don't just want to help you adopt-we want to help you have an adoption process that honors and respects each part of the adoption triad and glorifies God. We equip and educate you from the foundation that each part of the adoption triad matters and believe that each should be honored. On our team, we have both an adoptee and two birth mothers who share their invaluable experiences and view points. Though our job is to specifically work with hopeful adoptive parents, adoption isn't just about adoptive parents. As we walk you through your adoption process, we strive to reflect God's heart, not only for you as an adoptive family, but also His heart for birth parents, and His heart for adoptees.

3. We empower you to make knowledgeable decisions in your adoption journey. We believe that your adoption process is yours, not ours; we are there as your guide and support. An important part of what we do is point you to resources, research, and information to equip you. We don't pressure you or guilt you into any decisions; we want to help you make your own wise choices.  You have the freedom to choose your adoption preferences (gender, budget, exposure level, ethnicity) and to make decisions based on your own comfort level. As a CAC client, you will always know the name of the agency or attorney for each adoption situation you receive. You are never required to present your profile book to any expectant mother that you don't feel comfortable with; there is no limit to the amount of times you can pass on presenting your book to situation you're sent. From helping you identify potential risks factors, to helping you think through specific ways to honor and respect your child's birth mom, to informing you how to protect your child's adoption story, to educating you about different levels of openness, we will equip you with what you need to make informed decisions during your adoption process. The heart of what we do is not about speed or numbers-it's to honor God while we equip families to walk wisely through their adoption journeys.

4. We are accessible. All of our clients have our direct phone numbers and email addresses. Our company standard is to respond to all emails within 24 hours (except on the weekend) and we are always available in the case of an emergency situation for our active clients. Most of us on the team have been through the adoption process ourselves and we know first hand how imperative it is to have your questions answered quickly! The consultants on our team are not working as an adoption consultant "on the side"; CAC consultants' primary employment is serving our adoptive families in this capacity.

5. We create a personalized agency and attorney list for you. After you have shared with us where the Lord has led you in the specifics of your adoption preferences, we make a customized agency list based on those preferences from agencies we have evaluated. This multi-agency approach helps you broaden your reach and enables you to learn about more expectant mother situations than you would with only one agency. Full decision making rests in your hands regarding which agencies you choose to apply with. All situations that you receive are sent to you directly from an agency, attorney, or forwarded on to you by your consultant. At CAC you are not a part of a Listserv or merely a "resource" family. 

6. We care about your story. We don't see you as a number. Your personal story and your specific adoption process matters to us. We carry our CAC families on our hearts and feel the weight of brokenness and joy co-existing in each adoption journey. We pray for you, anticipate with you, rejoice with you, and seek to point you to the God of Hope. Coming alongside adoptive parents is a privilege that we don't take lightly.

If you're considering using an Adoption Consultant, please do your research! Make sure the consulting company you choose is comprised of adoption professionals, takes ethics seriously, empowers you to make your own wise decisions, is accessible, creates a personalized agency list that meets your adoption preferences, and cares about you as a person. If you decide that CAC is what you're looking for, we would be honored to be a part of your adoption journey!
For more information about domestic infant adoption, please contact me at katief@christianadoptionconsultants.com.

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