Recent Quotes

February 28, 2009

I've been storing up quotes from Tali and finally have a couple seconds to post them. These might only be funny to me, but I want to put them up so I'll have a way of remembering her two year old conversations. And yes, I am that dorky mom that quickly grabs a pin and jots down my child's sentences before I forget them.

Setting: Tali was running around the house, acting like a crazy woman. For no reason at all.
Dust uh-skooze me. I'm willy uh-sited!

Setting: I had just gotten some Play-Doh out for Tali. Owen was crying a bit because he wanted picked up or something like that.
You wanna pay wit Pay-doh, Owey? It's willy fun. You dohn hafta kye for it, Owey. It's fun!

Setting: The kids were eating their favorite snack: Edy's All-Fruit Popsicles
Can Owey have his beer (that's Owen's word for 'bear')?
Me: No hon, he's eating a popsicle.
His beer would eat his pawsicle?
Me: Yep. That's exactly what would happen.
An Owen would be like, "Beer, what ah you DO-EEN?!"

Setting: I stuck Owen in the pack-n-play so he'd be safe while I got Tali dressed for bed. He wasn't pleased with the whole idea of being confined and started to fuss.
Oh Owey, dohn you wuh-ree. I'll be in dare in a couple uh whiles.

Setting: I gave Tali some chocolate chips for fun.
Choc-la-lit chips ah good! Kine-uh like n-uhn-m's!

Setting: Tali was having some trouble going #2.
Daddy, dats why Mommy said I hafta eat poons!

Little Chef

February 23, 2009

Owey's really into pretending that he's cooking. He and Tali spend much of the day standing at her play kitchen, stirring and loudly banging pots and pans. Today I noticed that Owen was vigorously stirring in this little bowl, occasionally saying, "Yum-Yum!"

Me: Owey, that looks good. What are you cooking?
O: Eggs.
Me: Eggs? I didn't even know that you could say eggs!
O: (With a big grin, holding the spoon out to me) Bye? (bite)

Seriously. I have a chef on my hands.

Winter Continues

February 20, 2009

Ever had those moments where it seems like your family is never going to all feel healthy again at the same time? Today is one of those days around here. I'm still not 100% since California. Owey is still coughing and cranky. Tali just started coughing yesterday and now has a fever. Josh has been congested for days. Winter in Illinois...

I am just longing for those warm spring days when we can play outside, go for long walks, run at the park, and enjoy fewer colds. Are you with me? All this and we're expecting a big snow storm tonight.

It's just another reminder to me that my joy can't be found in my circumstances, it's got to be found in Christ. These illnesses may linger for weeks and we all ready know that warm weather is still a distant hope. But, Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever and He is reason enough for me to rejoice today!

Marriage Retreat

February 18, 2009

Over the weekend, Josh and I were able to attend the "When Sinners Say I Do" marriage conference in Minnesota. The time was so rich with biblical truth, passionate worship, long car rides that provided ample time for conversation, and just the blessing of being with my hubby. I'm so glad that we were able to go.

There's much that I could share but one thing that really stands out to me as I consider the messages that we heard: sin and weakness in marriage are an opportunity for ministry. They are an opportunity to reflect the Gospel, especially the mercy of God that is seen best at the cross. Dave Harvey talked a lot about the fact that we, as sinners, are not receiving the wrath of God that we deserve. Because of our sin, we deserve to be separated from God forever in hell but because God is rich in mercy, even when we were dead in our sins, He chose to send Jesus to pay our penalty. What mercy! In light of all the mercy that we've been given by God, how could we not respond in mercy to our spouse or to our children or to our friends or even to our enemies?

I've just been reflecting on this truth tonight and wanted to pass it on. I'm so grateful for the mercy that God has shown me! Lord, help me be merciful to Josh in light of all the mercy that You've shown me.

Oh, and if you're married or about to be married and you've never read, "When Sinners Say I Do" by Dave Harvey, buy it! By God's grace, your marriage will be different as you seek to apply what you read. There's no other book on marriage that Josh or I would more highly recommend and no other book on marriage that has helped me more than this one.

Feeling Sick and Heading Home

February 9, 2009

The Lord definitely answered all of your prayers on our trip out here.  Would you be so kind as to pray again?

1)  For healing for me as well as strength for the flight-I've not been feeling well today and spent most of the day asleep.  I need all of the energy I can get to creatively care for 2 tired kids on a 4 hour flight.

2)  Grace for the kids; they are tired and cranky.  They desperately need the Lord's help to make it through the flight without fits of crying.

3)  Wisdom for Josh: he's doing more of the work since I'm feeling so yucky.

4)  A quick transition back to our own time zone.

Thank you so much!  Grateful that the Lord is more eager to bless us than we are to ask Him...

Grateful for the Prayers!

February 5, 2009

Let me be honest; I cannot even imagine our flight experience being any better than it was.  I'm not kidding!  The Lord blew us away with His kindness in making the travel go so smoothly. Thank you for your prayers!  We were so aware that God was personally caring for us. A couple highlights:

1)  When we got to the airport, we found a parking spot right by the bus shuttle.  Thank you, Lord!  To make things even better, the bus pulled up before we even got out of our car and the driver said that he'd wait for us. We didn't have to wait in the cold at all.

2) The bus ride to the airport was hilarious.  Tali was sitting next to me a bit scared. Owen was on my lap taking it all in. Tali kept touching his arm saying, "It's ok Owey.  God is wit you. Don't be cared, Owey.  I'm wite here.  God is wit us, Owen.  We're almost dare, Owey."  It was the sweetest thing ever.

3) We walked in and right up to the front of the line to check in. The airport was practically empty.  No waiting!  Also, Josh's parents kindly bought some car seats so that we wouldn't need to bring ours. This made traveling about a million times easier.

4)  The flight was great.  Both kids took naps and Owen was completely calm and didn't make any indications that he wanted to get down. He just snuggled on my lap.  SHOCKING!

5) When we landed, the weather was gorgeous.  Tali said, "Tali likes sunshine!  We don't even have ta wear our totes (coats)!"  

6)  We've been having a wonderful time with family.  The kids are adjusting to the time difference...sort of.  Really, it's just been a great trip and we're so grateful to God for His kindness. I feel so in awe of God's grace because taking two kids on a four hour flight, bringing them to a different time zone and away from their normal routines can be a bit challenging. But it hasn't been at all! The Lord is so kind.

So, thank you so much for your prayers. We are grateful!

p.s.-Why do any of us live in Illinois when it is 70 degrees out here pretty much all of the time?! Just kidding. :)

Prayer Requests

February 3, 2009

We're on our way out the door, heading for the airport to fly to CA for a week!  We'll be enjoying time with Josh's family and enjoying the beautiful weather that is a far cry from this frozen tundra that we live in. (Don't be too jealous!)

If you think of us, please do pray:

1) For our flight: pray for God's grace to be upon the kids, especially Owey. He is so not into sitting still and this could be a challenge for him.

2)  For good health: both kids are fighting a bit of a cold

3)  For joyful memories with one another and with Josh's family

4) That I would seek to live for Christ and not myself, seeking to serve others and not just craving MY way! (especially regarding less rest and kids off of their normal routine)

5)  That Josh would be refreshed from a week of vacation

Thank you so much!  Grateful for the prayers.

p.s.-  Hanna, I can't wait to meet your baby when we return!

Favorite Quotes of the Day

February 2, 2009

While we were in the car waiting for Josh:
"O-wen! Ware is ya fah-duh at?"

And tonight at dinner:
"Mommy, I willy enjoy dis dinner dat you made me."

And one for Owey, too. He is currently obsessed with his beloved bear that he sleeps with. It's very concerning to him when he can't locate it. This morning I heard him calling out, very loudly:
"Beer? Beer? Go? Go?"