Josh and Mary Beth's (Third) Adoption Story

December 21, 2017

You know when a family is currently in their FOURTH adoption process, their words are worth listening to. Josh and Mary Beth have loved big and lost big in adoption and yet they continue to love big because Jesus has loved them and they believe He's worth it all. I'm so grateful to call them friends and I know your heart will be strengthened by their story. Mary Beth shares below:

We are Josh and Mary Beth, and our family could not be more excited to welcome our sweet boy into our lives. What a journey! I cannot tell you how many adoptive families start their story with “our journey has been a little bit different...” because they all are. I have found myself saying that more than ever since our baby boy was born.

Josh and I knew that God was gearing us up to adopt our third child and that stirring in our spirits was met with excitement and anticipation. Adopting for the third time, you know how this goes. We knew we would be back to a world of paperwork, home visits, and constantly grabbing our phones to check for situations that might have popped up since the last time we checked (five minutes ago). We have LOVED watching God piece our family together through adoption. It requires us to walk so closely with Him and to rely on HIM alone which is stretching and so rewarding.

We had a feeling this would be a quick trip for us, and we were not wrong about that. We got a call as the ink was still drying on our home study that a mom wanted more information about our family. We furiously threw together a profile book to send and heard a YES almost instantly. We were beyond thrilled to watch God work quickly and set about preparing our home and hearts for this boy.

We met his sweet expectant mom and it was a perfect match. We loved her and found conversation easy and felt an instant connection. The day after our love at first sight meeting, she had an appointment. From that appointment, we got a phone call that turned our world upside down. She had lost the baby and would have to deliver him at 34 weeks. We were devastated. We thought we had mourned every single aspect life had to offer through my own inability to carry a baby. I sat in the empty nursery I had created for this boy and cried for hours.

We had a friend design shirts for us to sell as a fundraiser that said “LOVE HAS NO LIMITS #adopt", and this was our chance to put that love to the test and extend warmth and kindness and support to a woman we loved, and a baby we wanted so bad. She was scheduled to be induced to deliver him the next day and asked me if I would be there with her since he was always going to be mine. I said yes without hesitation and was so thankful for the chance to meet the boy of my dreams. I held him, named him, and kissed his perfect little head. I told him how bad I wanted him and that he would always be my first son. I held his mother’s hand as she grieved, and I knew God had me in this position because she needed me. It was awful. In all my wildest dreams, I never even imagined this could ever happen. And yet, here we were after months of being matched with this little boy. Healing from this immense loss felt impossible.

After a few months of brutal “no’s," we got a situation that my heart instantly connected with. This mom had a story that was filled with loss and pain that so closely matched the way my heart felt, and I just asked God to please allow this to be our rainbow baby. And just like that, God broke through our storm with a ray of sunshine so bright, we can’t help but smile when we think of the sweet boy God had for us to bring home. We have been so grateful for the chance to have our happy, sweet baby boy. He is PERFECTION. 

In a perfect world, we would have both of our sons in our home, but we know that we have a boy in heaven and one here in our home, and both of them bring us joy and fill our hearts with hope. And of course, because our story is a little different than most people’s...

Our son’s birth mom called us shortly after his birth to ask us if we would consider taking the baby she was pregnant with. We will be welcoming this sweet baby girl, our son’s biological sister, into our home this January. God asked us to walk a road that I would have never imagined I could ever walk, and he has taken our mourning and turned it into a literal dance party! ALL THE BABIES!

Now, a fifth time around, I still tell everyone who asks me about adoption that Christian Adoption Consultants should be their very first phone call. The love, support, and attention we received throughout this process has been incredible. I wouldn’t attempt adoption without the support of a consultant and the exposure that it gives your family as you wait for the little one God has just for your family. It has been hands down been worth every penny, and I would strongly recommend working with CAC!

If you'd like to help this sweet family bring home their new little one, you can find their AdoptTogether page here:
(Photo credit: Bethany Reed Photography)
For more information about domestic infant adoption, please contact me at

Bryan and Jayne's Adoption Story: Established Steps

November 2, 2017

"The heart of a man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

Sit down and chat with any adoptive parent and they will tell you that their adoption journey did not look exactly how they thought it would. Hearts hold the hopes, dreams, and plans for how an adoption will play out. But ultimately, only the Lord’s plan will stand. Bryan and Jayne know this well and yet, they are quick to share about God's care each and every step of the way. I hope that hearing about their story will encourage your heart that His ways are good even though they are so mysterious!

Bryan writes, “Four years ago when our older daughter was one year old we decided it was time to start working on our second adoption. Our hope was that in a year or so we would have our second child. Those were our plans, but God had something else in mind. After a failed match and waiting for two and a half years, we were very discouraged. Our pastor happened to get lunch with Katie’s husband and somehow our story came up. Soon after we got started with Katie at CAC."

"It was a roller coaster ride emotionally, presenting to over a dozen expectant mothers, but after 10 months we were finally matched. It was two days before Christmas when we received the call that she had chosen us. What a great early Christmas gift from God! We made plans to fly down to meet her in early February (she was due March 20). But again, God’s plans were different than ours!"

"At the end of January we received a surprise call that our little girl had arrived 8 weeks early! We headed out the next day to meet our beautiful baby girl in the NICU. We would see over the next six weeks that God had gone before us and would take care of all of the details. We were able to get into a Ronald McDonald house our first night and as we checked in, a couple came into the room and introduced themselves because they recognized Jayne from Katie’s private Facebook group for CAC families. What are the chances that on our first night in Florida, we would meet another couple that were adopting a baby that was in the same hospital NICU as our daughter? More than that, they were a CAC family and Katie was their consultant."

"We saw God going before us in so many ways, including getting to meet A, having her visit baby J in the hospital, the friendship that developed with the couple we met that first night, the many friends and family that went out of their way to visit us in Florida, the unprompted financial support we received, our parents helping out by caring for our older daughter, and the wonderful Ronald McDonald home we were blessed to stay in. In addition to all that, God surrounded our sweet baby J with wonderful nurses and doctors who cared for her."

Jayne shares, "It was a long journey but looking back I can see the Lord in every step of the way.  There were many times of crying out to Him exhausted and frustrated and feeling like our prayers were not being answered but the Lord was and is always with us and loving us no matter what. I am so thankful that he always had J and her birth mom in mind as the answer to our prayers.” 

I feel so grateful to have watched God care for this family every step of the way. And I'm so glad that He carries out His plans even when they look different than ours.
For more information about domestic adoption, please contact me at

Ryan and Christi's Adoption Story: Our Multitasking God

October 20, 2017

When Ryan and Christi contacted me, the Lord had already been speaking to their hearts about bringing home a daughter through adoption. They had chosen her name-a precious declaration of God's promises, and were praying along with their boys for her and her birth mom. They got started with Christian Adoption Consultants and in July they began presenting their profile to expectant mamas, faithfully praying for each. As a family, they fixed their eyes on Jesus and sought to glorify God with faith as they waited. Five months later, the Lord connected their hearts with the heart of an expectant mama. There really aren't words to describe the awe of finally hearing that you are chosen! They celebrated the new year with the birth of their precious little girl.

Christi kindly shares about God's work in their hearts along the way:

God definitely showed Himself in powerful ways throughout our adoption journey and we are certain that will continue. There are six words that come to mind when thinking through our adoption process.  

Waiting.  Waiting on God in His perfect timing and His plan was difficult at times. It was more about our relationship with Him than us getting the child we were waiting for.  He was using the time to work in our hearts to be trusting Him and looking to Him to meet our needs.  He loves and cares for us in the waiting.

Provision.  Over and over again God showed that adoption was His plan for us.  He provided finances, money raised at the perfect time, people to help us along the way who had adopted, our consultant and the community in CAC. He also blessed us with people who listened and prayed during the process.

Trust.  Trusting that His timing is perfect and not ours. Trust that He cares for us and the details of our lives. Trust that He will guide us in each step. Trust that He will be working in and through us to display His Glory. Trust that He is who He says he is no matter how we feel or what we are experiencing.  

Sovereignty.  He is Sovereign and already knew the outcome and child we would have before we even started in the adoption process. This truth is one we clung to. There are so many unknowns in adoption and several steps of faith. Knowing He is Sovereign gave such peace and comfort. We knew that even when the waiting was hard or we were discouraged that we could cling to the fact that He is walking through this with us and already knew the outcome. He is the great all powerful God that has always been there and knows what will occur. We can trust His sovereignty amidst the journey. His plan was perfect while it may not be the plan we thought.

Near.  God is near. He doesn't leave us or forsake us. He is with us at all times. His presence is so comforting. He is part of every single detail while carrying all the burdens we lay at His feet. He is with us even if we don't feel it. Our knowledge of His presence being close is so comforting in the hard moments.  

Grateful.   We are so grateful for our journey, even now as it continues well past the official adoption date. We are grateful most importantly to the Lord and for the many people who have been a part of our journey. We are also grateful for CAC and the guidance and knowledge they provided. We learned so much through them and highly recommend their support especially when you haven't adopted before. It was so helpful in each step of the process to have someone who has gone through this multiple times. We have so much to be thankful for.  
For more information about domestic adoption, please contact me at

Kevin and Katie's Adoption Story: Love Never Ends

August 27, 2017

Families come to adoption from many different circumstances filled with a vast array of emotions. As Kevin and Katie first shared with me about their family and the loss of their daughter, I could sense both the deep sorrow and deep hope their hearts held as they considered adoption. I have never lost a child and I won't pretend to know what it's like. But as I walk with adoptive families who are grieving it is my heart's desire to love well with much compassion and sensitivity. We talked at length about what adoption situations might be best for them to minimize risks as much as possible. And we prayed that God would grant them their desire to adopt a baby girl.

"The very first time we ever spoke with Katie on the phone it was like speaking with a long time friend. She was always there for us listen to our concerns and was there to give encouraging words. We definitely felt like we could tell her anything. She helped us to stay strong and to have faith. I knew that I could always call or text her anytime and she was always there to listen and to pray for our family. It's such a good feeling to know that many things come out of adoption, not just a baby, but friendships as well." - Katie

While they worked on their home study, I worked on their profile book and then Kevin and Katie began presenting their profile to expectant mamas. Presenting takes courage; it is putting your heart out there with the knowledge that you may hear a "no" in response. Starting in October of last year, they bravely began putting their heart out on the table again and again and again, waiting for their "yes" to come. It was not easy. (It never is.)

Finally, nine months later they heard the words they had been waiting for: "She chose you!" Kevin and Katie built a beautiful relationship with the expectant mama they were matched with, in many ways loving and supporting her just like family.

"We were so nervous and excited to meet her.  It was long a drive. Lots of prayers were said. Finally we made it.  We greeted with a hug and it was great to finally see her in person. A relationship and bond was formed. We were so surprised how honest and upfront she was in telling us her story and feelings. We went to eat and continued to build our relationship." - Katie

They were able to be there for their daughter's birth in October, sharing with her birth mama beautiful memories as they all welcomed this loved little girl into the world!

"We honestly weren't sure where this adoption journey would take us. The pain of failed IVF, difficult pregnancy and then losing a child is indescribable. God kept calling us towards adoption. After a year of not even discussing another baby, we couldn't wait any longer and began the process. Adopting a baby will never replace your baby. But just when you think your heart can't take any more, it is filled with more and more love. The days get brighter and easier." - Katie

This love this precious family has is so evident as they enjoy their sweet girl! My heart about explodes each time Katie texts me a new picture and I am reminded, there is no limit to the love a heart can hold.
For more information about domestic infant adoption, please contact me at

Cary and Sami's Adoption Story: God's Good Timing

July 29, 2017

Chosen the first time they presented their profile. Love poured out on the brave expectant mama who had chosen them. A beautiful daughter soon in their arms. Parenthood finally beginning-the answer to years of prayers. A home filled with the sweet baby murmurs they had longed for. Then, the unexpected: a brain tumor. And still, not skipping a beat, Sami and Cary walk on with hearts full of faith and gratitude, choosing to praise Him, their eyes wide open to all the ways God is at work.

Sami shares, "Cary and I have been overwhelmed by God's goodness and His faithfulness through our adoption process. We have also learned so much about complete surrender and giving everything to Him. Leading up to our decision to adopt, we waited for 7 years for God to answer our prayers to start a family. Throughout this season of hoping and waiting to become parents, God taught us to rest in Him. When we were tempted to worry or doubt or fret that there was something we should be doing, He has been faithful to teach us that we can and should rest in His arms. This peace has been so freeing and such a blessing. All of the things that God brought us through as we waited for our daughter have prepared us so well for this next season that we are now in."

"When our daughter was almost 7 weeks old Cary was diagnosed with a brain tumor and has since had brain surgery. We are still waiting for reports and to know what the plan will look like moving forward. I know that without God teaching us and loving us through our adoption process, this season would be much more difficult! Ultimately, we are so thankful that God is a big God that is always in control! He knew the timing that would be perfect for us and sent our sweet baby girl at exactly the perfect time. We are thankful that He chose to give us our sweet girl to be a light in our lives during this season and that He loves us more than we can ever imagine."

"Adoption has been such a gift to us. We have gained an amazing extended family through Stella's birth family and cannot imagine our family any other way. CAC has been an invaluable resource to us through prayer, encouragement, guidance and support and we love that God led us to them for our adoption!"

(Photo Credit for all photos: Sara Way from Timeless Moments Photography)

Please join me in praying for continued healing for Cary. God's grace that is so clearly on this precious family of three.
For more information about domestic adoption, please contact me at

Adoption Story: Jesse and Kelly

July 20, 2017

“A baby is a dancing joy of life.” — Debasish Mridha

The joy that this sweet child has brought to his parents is unmistakable! Jesse and Kelly are so clearly bursting with love for their son and it makes my heart so happy to see what God has done in their adoption story.

Jesse and Kelly began seeing adoption situations in March and were matched a month later. They got to know the expectant mama and prepared their hearts and home to become parents. But in July they experienced heart break as things didn't go as planned and they were back to waiting again. God wasn't finished with their adoption story and they didn't give up hope. Eight weeks later they were matched again and their adorable little boy entered the world last November. He is an answer to so many hopes and dreams! Tears have been turned to happiness in this precious family of three!

(Photo credit: Nicole Modeen)

For more information about domestic adoption, contact me at

Sweet CAC Babies and 4th of July!

July 5, 2017

It's such a joy and honor to watch God work in the lives of so many adoptive families. Happy 4th of July from some of my CAC sweeties!

Jon and Melanie's Adoption Story: Lifting Their Hearts to God

April 5, 2017

“Waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one's thoughts.”
- Elisabeth Elliot -

Every adoption involves waiting and waiting, however long it lasts, is never easy. There are so many different ways that people respond to the wait. Some focus on those around them, seeking to love the precious people already in their lives. Others get angry, placing blame on someone/anyone for why they are waiting, even blaming God. Still others want to give up or sadly, they do give up. And then there are those who wait with a lifted up heart, going to God about it, casting their cares on Him, refusing to give up unless He tells them to and seeking to trust Him while they wrestle through the waiting. Jon and Melanie's wait was so very difficult but I think that Elisabeth Elliot (quoted above) would have been proud as she watched them wait with open hands to the Lord.

This couple presented again and again to expectant mamas, so willing to say "yes" and so very ready to become parents. But they kept hearing "no" again and again. As a Mennonite family, they wondered if their faith wasn't connecting with the expectant mamas reading their profile. They wondered if they would ever be chosen. I thought my heart might crack as I walked alongside them, wishing with all that was in me that the expectant mamas reading their profile could see the incredibly kind, loving, and gentle hearts of this precious couple. They kept praying that God would fulfill their desire for a child. And then one day I got a agency was looking for some very specific characteristics in an adoptive family and I wondered if this was exactly the situation for Jon and Melanie. I will never forget hearing what this expectant mama shared with the agency when she looked over their profile book, "I love Mennonites! I've been reading their things over and over. I think they are perfect!" The exact thing they feared might prevent them from being chosen was actually a huge part of what connected their son's birth mom's heart with theirs. Here is a little from Melanie about their journey:

"As I hold my son in my arms; I reflect back on our journey to him.  Nothing could have prepared us for how difficult the wait was, or for how much love for him and for his birth mom instantly overwhelmed us.  I spent many hours in our furnished nursery journaling, crying, and praying.  We had battled with infertility and years of medical treatment; yet were convinced we wanted to be parents. During the 15 months of having our profile book shown to birth moms, I sometimes wondered if I could present another time, or hear another no.  But my desire to be a mother was even stronger than the desire to quit. 

God taught me that He is a Good Father.  That His plans for me, and for the baby that became my son, were wonderful,  and so much different and better than I could have dreamed.  I learned that adoption is complex; and that it is possible to feel pain and pleasure simultaneously. So as I hold my son tightly, I hope that he grows up to know and believe that the arms of the mother who gave him life, those arms placed him into mine, and in that moment, love forged a bond that is unexplainable."
For more information about domestic adoption, please contact me at

Adoption Story: Dave and Amy's Twins

March 28, 2017

One of the extra sweet parts of adopting through Christian Adoption Consultants is the beautiful adoption community that is there waiting for you with other CAC families. As an adoptive mama myself, I still benefit greatly from that community that I became a part of over 5 years ago when we started our first adoption. Dave and Amy are two special parts of the CAC community and they have been an importance source of encouragement for many CAC families.

God has given this couple huge hearts filled with passion for adoption. They helped launch their church’s adoption, foster care, and orphan care ministry and they serve as the leaders of the ministry there. They also are a part of the CAC staff as Adoption Specialists who help spread the word about CAC and they do it with compassion for those walking through infertility and wise help for all those considering their adoption options. I feel so grateful to work alongside them and to call them my friends!

Somehow, their "congrats" blog post got put aside but I figure this is better late than never. I mean, who doesn't want to hear about TWINS?! When Dave and Amy got started on their second adoption we learned about an expectant mama due with twins. Dave and Amy's lives were already pretty crazy busy with the two little ones they had at home but they were filled with faith and excitement to put their "yes" on the table, ready to see what God would do. And what He did was connect the heart of that expectant mama with theirs and grow their family in ways they would have never dreamed! Amy shares about their second adoption:

"We are so thankful for Katie and CAC's part in growing our family.  Adoption is often an emotional roller-coaster and Katie was always there to point us back to Jesus.  I will never forgot the call from Katie when she said "Your family is about to get a lot bigger!" I started laughing in both shock and joy! It was only the beginning of many joyful moments and many surprises to come.  The twins ended up being born early at 34 weeks and we started out with some rough months of RSV and hospital stays.  

We found out when they were about a month old that one twin, Ezra was deaf.  This led to many tests and appointments to see if there was anything else going on.  Eventually we were told Ezra has Usher Syndrome type 1d which affects hearing, vision, and the vestibular system (making things like sitting and walking very hard). Now we knew Ezra was deaf and vision will deteriorate, possibly leading to blindness. So this began a whole new life for our  family filled with doctor visits and therapies.  A shock to us and somewhat overwhelming.  

Through it all we had a peace that God had placed these two precious boys in our family and He would give us what we needed to parent them.  Yes some days I need to be reminded of this but God seems to use His people at just the right moment to help remind me (so many of these reminders come from our CAC extended family).  See this news was all a surprise to us but God has been preparing us and placing people in our lives as resources and support literally our entire lives. We are blessed to have both these precious boys in our family and they are teaching us how to trust God's peace and strength on a daily basis."

(To check a couple other beautiful stories of my families who have brought home twins, read here and here.)
For more information about Christian Adoption Consultants, please contact me at

Adoption Update: Our Daughter, Keziah

March 11, 2017

There is so much to, so much to attempt to convey about the heartbreaking and breathtaking beauty of adoption. But for today, we invite you to rejoice along with us in the gift of our daughter, Keziah Lamia (KEZ-ee-uh Luh-mee-uh). The name "Keziah" comes from the book of Job in the Bible; Keziah was one Job's daughters during the time of restoration and renewal God brought about in his life-a reminder of God's redeeming love. Lamia is the beautiful middle name that her brave birth mom chose for her. We pray that Keziah's life is marked by the selfless love of of her birth mom as well as the unchanging love of our Heavenly Father.

Our sweet girl was born on Thursday morning and we left the hospital with her on Friday evening. She is teeny (5lbs 13oz). She is beautiful. She is so very loved!

We thank God for the gift of her life and we thank Him for each of you who have prayed for us, supported us, and encouraged us all along the way!