Honoring My Mom, Part 2

July 2, 2008

Mom, I’ve learned from the way you sacrificially invested so much time entering into my world when I was a teenager. You came to our youth group on Monday nights to serve and share in what was such an important time for me. You not only attended literally hundreds of my softball games, you helped me keep the perspective that softball isn’t life, but is “just a game.” When I had friends over, you spent hours getting to know them, hanging out with us, asking us questions, and just being around. You took the time to love and know my friends and because of your genuine care for them, you were and are like a second mom to some of them.

Sadly, I know that I did not always honor you as I should have, but you were faithful to keep on entering into my world to build our relationship and demonstrate a Christ-like love in my teen years. And your influence on me didn’t end when I moved out of the house. I’ve also learned from the way you have faithfully cared for me throughout my transitions until adult-hood

During the college years you would write me countless letters telling me you were praying for me and you and dad would regularly drive 2 ½ hours to visit me on weekends. And then, as I have become a wife and now a mom, that faithful care has only continued. You constantly model Philippians 2:3-4, which says, “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interest, but also to the interests of others.” Mom, that’s the kind of faithful care you’ve loved me with.

Each and every day I find new examples of how you put my interests above your own. For example, you eagerly listen to my daily phone calls sharing new stories about the kids, you selflessly give up your plans for the day on a moment’s notice to help me adjust to life with two babies, you gladly watch the kids so that Josh and I can go out on a date and enjoy time alone. Really, this list goes on and on and on as you add to it each week.

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