Responsibility and Surrender in Parenting

May 23, 2011

Of all the things I want for my children, nothing compares to this desire: that they trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.  I want my kids to experience the greatest joy and happiness imaginable for all eternity and that's only found in Jesus. It is such a delicate balance to intentionally strive with all that I am to make Him know to them, yet recognize that all of my efforts WILL NOT save them.  Ultimately only God can stir their hearts to believe.  It's something I wrestle through on a daily basis-this balance between responsibility and surrender.  Tonight, I was encouraged through an illuminating reminder from Gospel-Powered Parenting by William Farley. (Side note: I just started reading this book and wow-I love this one.  I mean, I.LOVE.IT.  Really.  I LOVE this book and the message it's sharing. It is so worth buying.)

"God is sovereign, but parents are responsible.  God's sovereignty is our hope.  Parents are utterly dependent on God.  He can save any child, no matter how dark the circumstances.  On the other hand, God normally reaches children through their parents.  It is fatal to presume upon God's sovereignty by neglecting parental faithfulness.  Yet it is also a mistake to assume that it all depends on us.  It doesn't.  In fact, none of your efforts will prevail unless God bestows the gift of faith on your children.  We are utterly dependent and responsible at the same time."  pg.22


  1. Katie,

    Thank you SO MUCH for this reminder....i so needed to hear it.

  2. I cannot believe how much I have missed up there in my sick bed!
    Great posts - very encouraging to this weary mama.
    Love you, friend.
