Feeling Lost In The Adoption Process

November 24, 2024

 The number of decisions involved in the adoption process can make you feel overwhelmed. Where do you start? How do you choose a home study provider? Should you stick with one local agency or widen your reach by applying to multiple agencies? What are realistic expectations to have about your timeline? How can you afford to adopt? Ask anyone who has ever considered adoption, and they will likely tell you they know what it's like to feel lost along the way. First, I want to encourage you that this is a really common experience for anyone who has begun the adoption process. A mix of being overwhelmed and excited is very normal. Next, I want to encourage you to take your heart to our...

How Does Someone Afford Adoption?

November 22, 2024

 We had many questions and fears when we began considering adoption. We thank God that those obstacles didn't keep us from the gift of our sweet little boy! But those fears and questions matter-they shouldn't be ignored.  It's important to think through your fears and examine them. As an Adoption Consultant, one of the main concerns I hear from couples considering adoption is the issue of money; how can someone afford to adopt?This concern is pretty understandable. Adoption is so expensive! Agency fees alone can be between 40-60K and that does not include the costs of getting a home study, consultant fees, or travel fees. If you've had the desire to adopt but feel like there's...

The Difference That Our Adoption Consultant Made

November 20, 2024

 It's hard to believe that it's now been about 13 years since my husband and I brought home our son through the gift of adoption and almost 8 years since we adopted our daughter. Reflecting on our experiences, I remain incredibly grateful for the impact that our adoption consultant made! I cannot imagine our adoption journeys without a consultant. Our personal experience of seeing the difference our adoption consultant made showed me how beneficial an adoption consultant can be to your adoption journey.As someone whose heart was drawn towards adoption even as a child, over the years, I dug into learning about it. In my teens, during college, and after Josh and I got married, I read books,...

Is It Helpful To Work With An Adoption Consultant When You've Already Completed Your Home Study?

November 7, 2024

 “I’m already home study ready and waiting with a local attorney/agency. How would it benefit me to work with an Adoption Consultant at this point?" This is a great question that I hear frequently from families inquiring about working with me. Here are three main reasons that it’s worth it to work with a consultant, even if you are already active with a local agency/attorney:1.  More opportunities to have your profile book shown to expectant moms making an adoption plan2.  Personalized support, prayer, and guidance3.  Being a part of a caring community of adoptive familiesWider ReachI help point you to multiple agencies and attorneys across the U.S., increasing your...

Prayer for National Adoption Month

November 6, 2024

 (Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash)Father, during this National Adoption Month, we lift up to you everyone who has been impacted by adoption. In the heartbreak and in the hope, make Your love known. God, tangibly show Your nearness and let it be felt by adoptees. As they interact with their story, remind them of Your steadfast, unchanging love that sees and knows their hearts. May Your compassion and tenderness assure them that You care. Give them Your peace, Your joy, Your healing. Give others humble hearts to listen and learn from them.God, tangibly show Your nearness and let it be felt by birth parents. This month, as the topic of adoption is at the forefront once again,...

How To Choose An Adoption Home Study Provider

November 4, 2024

 An important piece of the adoption journey is your home study. What exactly is a home study, and how do you choose the right home study provider for you?What is an adoption home study?A home study is the process that hopeful adoptive parents go through to become legally approved to adopt. The purpose of a domestic home study is for a licensed home study provider to determine whether or not you can provide a safe and healthy home to raise a child. It is specifically tailored to your state's requirements and involves paperwork, important clearances (such as background and security checks), a physical, interviews with a social worker, a home visit, and adoption education. Your home study...