I Love Stuff

August 27, 2008

Way back before the house actually became ours, something dangerous started happening in me. It was subtle at the time and just seemed like a fun thing to occupy my time with, but now I can see it in all its ugliness. Oh yes, my friends, I have that dreadful disease of the soul called "wanteritis." Maybe you're familiar with this sin-sickness. It creeps in when you're just minding your own business, checking out the latest "Pottery Barn" catalog and then "WHAM" it slaps you upside the head. Suddenly you are overcome with a sense of urgency to purchase/buy/get! You can think of nothing else but the dresser/picture frame/lamps/really-really-cute-purple-and-white-polkadot-curtains-for-your-girl's-room that you want, no wait-need to buy.

This week as we're getting much closer to moving in, my wanteritis has been almost overwhelming (and the new PB for Kids just came today...go figure). And so...off to God's Word and "The Treasure Principle" by Randy Alcorn to help me repent! Here's what has helped me today to reorient my thinking:

The earth is the LORD's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Psalm 24:1

"The silver is mine and the gold is mine" declares the LORD Almighty. Haggai 2:8

"If God was the owner, I was the manager. I needed to adopt a steward's mentality toward the assets He had entrusted-not given-to me.

Whenever we think like owners, it's a red flag. We should be thinking like stewards, investment managers, always looking for the best place to invest the Owner's money. At the end of our term of service we'll undergo a job performance evaluation: 'For we will all stand before God's judgment seat...So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God' (Romans 14:10, 12)."

- excerpts from Randy Alcorn, "The Treasure Principle" pg. 25-27

This house is not our house, it is God's house. Everything under heaven is the Lord's, not Katie's. All the silver and the gold is the Lord's, not mine. I want to manage His money with eternity in mind. Lord, help me!

p.s.-You've got to admit that those curtains are cute. :)


  1. The curtains are cute! I've had many similar thoughts as we work on setting up our new home, although mine have been more along the lines of: "What is imitating my Creator God and glorifying Him through cultivating beauty, and what is just wanting to make myself look good and my home impressive?" I'm hoping to pick up Edith Schaeffer's book on homemaking soon, as I think it will make a good study during this season!

  2. That book is wonderful!
    Buy it - it is very practical.

  3. Very wise my friend! And yes those curtains are adorable:)

    How exciting to make your home your own, but all within that steward mentality. What a balancing act it is. I pray that the Lord gives you wisdom and joy as you seek that balance.

    Have fun making your home, home:)!

  4. katie, those curtains are so cute, just looking at them makes me want to have a girl! :) I hear ya on having a case of the wants...my heart is ugly like that, too! Thanks for the good reminder of what's true here...praying for grace for you and can't wait to see your new home, which I know will be beautiful! And full of grace and joy, which is more important. :)

  5. love the honesty. and love how you show that everything is truly gods. this world is not our home...thank goodness! keep on keeping on...and remember sometimes it is okay to splurge on some super cute curtains...

  6. katie,

    How did I know that you would have lavender in your house. I can almost close my eyes and see the inside!! Hints of blue (all different shades) and lavenders throughout. I can see a little of your mom in you but your own unique style!! Send photos when your settled! Its always good to hear how God is moving in your life!!!

  7. the curtains are VERY cute, but such a great reminder Katie! thank you thank you! I far too often take the position of the owner and not the steward. I love your blog by the way!
