And We're Up!

September 9, 2009

As of this weekend, we are back upstairs again. We're freshly grateful for the blessing of our home and thanking God for our friends, the Maxims, all that God has taught us through this season.

I remember back in April when our friends moved in, having a conversation with my grandma who seemed a bit puzzled at what we were doing. "Hmm...that's interesting," she said.

So why did we do it? Let me assure you that it's not because we're super-human or the most Godly and hospitable people on the planet (we're not). It was challenging in some ways to share our home (mostly because of my sinful heart) but I'm grateful for what God's taught me through it. Why did we do this?

1. We want to live for Christ and not ourselves.
"And He died for all that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sakes died and was raised." 2 Corinthians 5:15

"All things were created through Him and for Him..." Colossians 1:16

Our lives and our home aren't really ours anymore now that we have been "bought with a price." We want to view everything that we have as God's property to be used for His glory. In large part, this is why we chose this specific home over many others; we felt that it would position us best for the opportunity of having others live with us.

2. God loves us so lavishly, we want to reflect that same heart of love to others.
"In this is love, not that we have loved God but that He loved us and sent His son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." 1 John 4:10,11

Many times I have heard Josh tell people, "In light of all that God has done for us in Christ, sharing our home is a small thing." Jesus gave His life for us. Loving others by sharing our home is a way of reflecting that amazing love.

3. Our lives have been transformed through our own experiences of living with different families.

I could do a whole post on what we learned when I lived with the Muziks and then the Pronovosts, or about whenJosh lived with the Trainors, as well as a host of posts about what we learned when we lived with the Marescos. Suffice it to say that God radically used those times in our lives to teach us a lot about Himself. We saw first-hand from these families what it can look like practically to live life for Christ and not ourselves, to prioritize church and fellowship, to cultivate Godly marriages, to disciple and train children, to build relationships with unbelievers, how to manage a home, and so much more. Our lives are much different because of what God taught us through those we've lived with. Honestly, I wish that everyone had the opportunity to live with another family at some point in their lives. We want to keep learning from others and love the idea of being able to bless others in the ways that we have been blessed.

A bit on what I've learned coming soon...


  1. Living with others shows me a lot about what lives in my heart! Such a sanctifying experience which is proof that God loves us and is not done with us!!!
    Just think, all these experiences are training us to be good old ladies! There are so many cranky old ladies out there and too few Titus 2 mothers...may we be blessed to be a part of the latter!

  2. Katie,

    A few things!! First off - sharing your home with others is a difficult thing, but oh how God uses it to grow us and teach us about having a servants heart - mostly when we don't want to and the blessings that pour out of that willingness!!

    Secondly - guess who our friends are??!!!!! This will mean more to Josh - but it is . . . . .

    Todd and Erin Spencer!!!!! How wierd - way wierd is that?!

  3. Terrific post Katie, a good reminder for me today also. And it's so good to see you online again! I hope you're feeling good still. November is almost here!

  4. Lynn, how fun that you guys know Todd and Erin! I wish I knew them better; they definitely have had a big impact on Josh's life.
