Do you like "haps"

February 27, 2010

This is a great conversation that Owen and I had this morning:

Me: Perhaps. "Perhaps" means "maybe."

Tali: Oh.

Owen: Daddy has "haps".

Me: He does? He has haps?

Owen: Yah, in his cah. He has haps in his cah.

Me: Haps in his car? Hats? He has hats in his car?

Owen: No, Mommy. Haps! An Daddy has jazz, too.

Me: Do you mean that Daddy has "hip hop" music in his car?

Owen: Yeah! Daddy has hip hap hip hop.

(p.s.- When Owey saw this picture of himself he said, "I sink I was sayeen 'OH' in dat picshuh.")
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Some Differences

February 24, 2010

Here's Owey at around 3 months.This is Addie Beth at around 3 months.This is Tali at around 3 months.Owen's around 3 months old in this picture. This is Tali at 2 months old. Look at those chubby cheeks! Here's miss Addie Beth at 3 months. Doesn't she look like a dainty little thing compared to her sister as a baby?I just love babies! It's so good to have one to snuggle again since my big girl is 3 and my little boy is 2. We're so blessed and grateful for these children to lo...

Looking Up

February 18, 2010

I can't change myself, that's for sure! I'm so glad, though, that God is able to change me and that He's given me His Word that's living and active. The last couple weeks I've been seeking to meditate on some things to help me look upward rather than get overwhelmed by all that goes into being a mom. When my mind is filled with these truths, my day is so different! I'm trying to pray through these verses in the morning when I'm feeding Addie and then at little times throughout the day. Looking at God is SO much more encouraging than looking at myself!What is my hope for being a mom today?God gave His son to die for my sins; surely He will meet every other need that I have today.-"He who...

Wow, our kids are cute!

February 17, 2010


Prayer Request

February 16, 2010

Some of you probably know or have heard of Bob Kauflin. I've been incredibly blessed by his music and leadership through Sovereign Grace Ministries. His son and daughter-in-law (Jordan and Tali) recently found out that their little boy has leukemia. Please pray for Jack's complete recovery and for much strength and grace for this family. Jordan's in the Pastor's College right now and Tali gave birth to their 3rd child a little after we had Addie. Such a severe trial and yet they are trusting the Lord and resting in His care. Please pray for th...

Addie Beth at 12 Weeks

February 12, 2010

Tomorrow our cutie will be 12 weeks old! It's funny how SLOW 12 weeks goes by when you're pregnant and feeling nasty, but when you have the baby in your arms 12 weeks just flies by. It's hard to believe that we've had 12 whole weeks of snuggling our baby girl. Here's some pertinent info:Weight: a couple weeks ago she was at 11.4pdsHeight: I don't remember but she was at 70th percentile (as opposed to her brother who is currently in the 6th percentile)Daytime Sleep: Napping like a champ in her pack-n-play bassinette! 4 naps still happening.Nightime Sleep: Very irregular. Sleeps from 9:45pm-??? Usually wakes up around 3am & then 5am.Temperament: Cheerful, sensitive, sweet, snugglyFavorite...

Numbering My Days

February 9, 2010

My greatest fear is that I will waste these days with them-that I will squander the precious few hours given to me to love them in our home and to show them that Jesus alone is eternal life. My greatest fear is that I will waste away these days with wishing they'd take longer naps and that she'd eat what I fix her and that he'd stop using his hands to eat yogurt. I know I'm doing it, wasting the time, wanting a break instead of hugging them longer, getting tired of their questions, rushing the bedtime routine instead of reading one more book. I'm wasting the days and I can't have them back, not one single moment and I should know better. When they are finally sleeping quietly in their beds,...

Happy Birthday, Uncle David

February 8, 2010

Here's a sweet rendition of "Happy Birthday." (Notice that they didn't want to miss an opportunity to blow out a candle at the end.)...

Staying Warm

February 6, 2010


This One's For You, Mom!

February 4, 2010

In an attempt to occupy my kids for a bit, I printed off this tracing sheet that I'd found. When I showed it to Tali, she said, "Well...I can't do that Mommy. Maybe when I'm owed-er an I can do it all by myself, THEN I can try that." I explained to her that she could at least give it a shot. Here are the results of her first ever tracing. (Mom, I knew you'd want to see it even if no one else doe...