Come and See

May 8, 2012

Way back when we first started talking about adoption, we were absolutely certain that we wouldn't be able to do it alone.  We knew that the money wasn't going to fall from trees and yet we also knew that God was giving us a desire to adopt.  So we started the process, unsure exactly how all of the funds would come in, but confident that God would bring it.  And every step of the way, He has been faithful.

It was true then and it is true now; we cannot bring home our child(ren) without God providing.  Guess what He has done in the four weeks since we found out about our grant?

"Come and see what God has done: He is awesome in His deeds toward the children of man."  Psalm 66:5

Through the Hand in Hand grant, through new friends, through old friends, through single friends and married friends and friends in other countries, through amazing family, through gifts small and large, God has brought in $10,700!  If we said we were encouraged by that, it would be a major understatement!  We are so blown away by the generosity and love we've been shown.  Every time another dollar comes in, it is a reminder to us that God loves adoption.  It's a reminder to us that He doesn't want our child to be an orphan; He wants to bring our baby home to his or her family forever.  And it's a reminder to us that we are incredibly blessed with crazy generous friends and family who love because He has first loved them.

When we combine the recent matching grant and gifts with the funds we've saved over the last 2 years, we're beyond half way toward our goal of having $25,000 ready to complete the adoption.  I just talked with our adoption consultant, Tracie, yesterday and she said that we're definitely at a point where we can begin applying to agencies and lawyers.  We really are getting closer to becoming a family of six (or seven)!  We still need around $10,000 before we can bring home our baby.  We're not out to twist anyone's arm to give (because arm twisting is not only annoying, it's wrong!).  But please join us in praying that God would continue to provide.

I have heard of people going through the adoption process, feeling like they are walking alone.  This has absolutely not been the case for us.  Thank you so much for your excitement, for your questions, for your generous gifts, for your support, and for your prayers.  We thank God for you!

(If you do want to give, you can write your check out to “Hand in Hand Christian Adoption” postmarked by May 18 to this address. For tax purposes please include our name on the outside of the envelope only…do not put our name on the check itself.)

Hand in Hand Christian Adoption, Inc.
Josh & Katie Fenska
18318 Mimosa Court
Gardner, KS  66030

Note: We've already maxed out the "matching funds" part of our grant so if you give at this point, it won't be matched.  But anything given until May 18 will still be tax deductible and will still go to our adoption fund.  To read more about the grant, click here.


  1. God cannot be praised enough!

    May others see this example of His faithfulness and hop onboard the adoption bus! ;)

    Beautiful picture, too!

  2. I got teary-eyed reading this!

  3. I love wild grace!
