Adoption Story: Whitney and Chelsea

January 6, 2015

If there was book detailing Whitney and Chelsea's adoption stories, it's pages would explode with breathtaking tales of God's care and faithfulness. It would read of love, need, faith, and provision. It would lead you through vivid displays of God's heart to knit families together. Whitney and Chelsea watched God incredibly provide for them to adopt their son from Ethiopia in 2012. They brought home a sick, malnourished little boy and watched God transform him into a happy, healthy, loving, active son right before their very eyes. Whitney and Chelsea saw that God loves to care for children. Soon, they were ready to bring home another little one in need of a family. In February 2013 they...

Adoption Story: Paul and Michelle

January 4, 2015

There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to what an expectant mom hopes for in an adoptive family. Many large families who have a heart for adoption never pursue it simply because they assume they'll never get chosen by an expectant mom. I'm so glad that Paul and Michelle didn't let that potential fear have the last word in their adoption journey! Paul and Michelle worked with their consultant, Tracie, in 2009 and had a whirlwind adoption.  Then, in November 2013 they began with her again for their 2nd adoption. They started presenting their profile to expectant moms in June of 2014; they waited, they prayed, and they believed that God would bring about this adoption in His own...

Adoption Story: Michael and Signe

January 2, 2015

Signe and Michael contacted us at the beginning of April after they'd been referred to their consultant through a friend. We spoke on the phone several times as they carefully considered the next steps God had for them in their journey to becoming parents. A little over a month later, they began and I had the joy of making their adoptive family profile (the book that potential birthmoms look at when considering adoptive families). As I got to know them two things especially stood out to me about this sweet couple: their love for God and their love for people. Michael and Signe are people that truly live their lives with hearts full of love. They were homestudy ready near the end of August....