Encouragement for Parenting

September 23, 2009

A couple quotes from Tedd Tripp's "Shepherding a Child's Heart" were particularly helpful for me today regarding the importance of devoting myself to parenting:

"The cost is great. It requires being available and fully engaged in parenting.

You must regard parenting as one of your most important tasks while you have children at home. This is your calling. You must raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. You cannot do so without investing yourself in a life of sensitive communication in which you help them understand life and God's world. There is nothing more important. You have only a brief season of life to invest yourself in this task. You have only one opportunity to do it. You cannot go back and do it over." pg. 97

"Teaching your children to live for the glory of God must be your overarching objective. You must teach your children that for them, as for all of mankind, life is found in knowing and serving the true and living God. The only worthy goal for life is to glorify God and enjoy him forever." pg. 56


  1. This is great Katie. Actually, I was praying for you guys this morning, and I was specifically praying for you about raising Tali and Owen in the ways of the LORD. I'm glad God was helping you today!

  2. Wise words... I sometimes think I need to read that book once a month...at least;).

    Hope you are well my friend.
