34 Weeks

October 9, 2009

Today I am officially 34 weeks along...and even though that is a lot farther than back when I was 5 weeks or 12 weeks or 20 weeks, it still seems like it's going to be forever before little girlie is born.

Here's what I know about 34 weeks:

1) It is a gift to have made it this far with a healthy, living, active little baby inside.

2) It is still fun to feel her move, especially when Tali puts her hand on my (large) belly and feels the kick too.

3) Enjoying my two two-and-unders isn't easy when getting up and down takes so much effort.

4) Each moment with the "big kids" is more precious because I know that soon my time will be divided between 3.

5) Sleeping is sort of a thing of the past for a while...at least sleeping in long intervals! I'm up constantly to go to the bathroom, or up just because my body aches too much to lay down.

6) The being pregnant part of having a baby isn't so fun at this point and I am praying for grace not to complain but to be grateful.

7) Deciding on a name isn't so easy. Deciding on the spelling is apparently even harder.

8) 34 weeks is a good place to be because it's the place that God has sovereignly and lovingly placed me, despite all of the physical pains and the exhaustion.

9) It might be a long, long time until I'm 34 weeks again...or maybe even never; only God knows. I want to enjoy this very temporary season.

10) Each day closer to 35 weeks brings me closer to 36 weeks which brings me closer and closer and closer to seeing our sweet little girl face to face. Can't wait!


  1. Praying with you for grace and sincere thanksgiving during these pregnancies. I am in week 16 and I can't imagine how many more rolls of toilet paper I have to go until I meet this little one... :) We should all have stock in charmin.

    you are an encouragement to me Katie, thank you!

  2. Thanks, Carrie. Miss ya!

    p.s.- Are you guys going to find out if you're having a boy or a girl? Any guesses so far?

  3. So now I want to know what the names and spelling options are!


  4. We will find out for sure! I love that mid-point surprise. I'm really thinking boy because it's such a different pregnancy than the first. I've hardly felt pregnant at all yet (sorry hope that's not rubbing salt in your wounds! :)) - but with Piper I was sick and headachy a lot... so we'll find out in November! Maybe I'll finally post a new blog entry then! LOL.

  5. Love your entries, Katie. They are an encouragement to many mommmas.
