
September 5, 2007

Even though I'm no longer officially a "student," something inside me gets really excited about the start of a new school year. I'm not a teacher, I'm not in school, I don't have any children of school age, but I still feel as if a new beginning has arrived with the start of a new school year. So as the children around my neighborhood march off with their new backpacks and cool lunch boxes on their way to a brand new classroom, I want to have a beginning as well-sort of my very own "something new". And so enters this blog.

There's no big theme or mission I'm out accomplish really, aside from keeping friends & family up-to-date on our lives. I want to share how God is at work in our home, teaching me to trust Him in the "little" things of being a wife and mom. So you can expect pictures of Tali, posts about great date nights with my hubby, and just the every day sort of thing that God is teaching me. I'm planning on posting every Friday and possibly some throughout the week, depending on time. My hope and prayer is that this blog can echo the heart of Ephesians 4:29 and speak "only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." Thank you for reading!

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