Papa and the Bear

October 23, 2008

Tali is totally into stories. When Owen was born, I was desperate for some activities to do with her while I nursed so I started telling her stories. Being the abnormal child that she is, she was an avid listener even at 13 months old, and remembered EVERY story that I told her (thankfully one of us did). Sometimes I make up the stories, sometimes I tell her true ones. Tali especially enjoys the stories that I tell her about "Mommy and her cousin, Meghan" and "When Papa was a little boy...". She recently started coming up with her own stories. This is one that she told my mom and me today during lunch:

"Once sp-on a time dare wuz a yiddle boy name Papa. One day, Papa win into da woods an Papa hear a BID noy-s. It sown yike dis, 'RAHR! RAHR! RAHR!' It wuz a bear. An da bear tittle Papa! An Papa yaffed!"
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  1. Is that an old picture of Tali on Red's lap or more recent one of Owen?

  2. I'm lovin' Red's beard! Tali is a very smart little girl. Piper still won't sit still for even the shortest story! She has to be constantly on the move and she prefers to chew on her books anyway! Such a tragedy for me the book lover ~ don't worry I'm not giving up! I'll make a book worm out of her yet...
    ps: In the story, is "Papa" Red or Josh?
