The Thank-based Life, part 1

May 2, 2008

I'm all too familiar with what a grumbling heart looks like, but what does a thank-based lifestyle consist of? Tripp gives three reasons and the first is this: a thankful heart is one that is resting in the presence of the Lord.

If I was actively doing this on a moment to moment basis, everything in my life would be so different! When I am at home cleaning up messes, training Tali, wiping up countless spit-ups, I am doing it all in the very presence of God. When no one else sees me, He does. I am not alone trying to "get through" the day. God is with me; His Spirit is inside of me!

"My little pea brain can't imagine it, but the bible tells me that this God of glory and power has come by His Spirit to indwell me. How near is God? He is literally inside of me! The Redeemer has come and has made us His dwelling place. Therefore, we can have a renewed faith and courage and a different way of looking at life because now we look at life from the vantage point of the presence of the Lord." (pg.49)

God has not made life easy, but I am not going it alone. He is with me. Even when circumstances aren't necessarily fun, there is a purpose to them and it's about His glory and my sanctification. As I walk through my days, I can live with a thankful heart because God is with me, enabling me to do so. I am not destined to complain! The Holy Spirit lives within me and can give me grace to be thankful.

"God's work of progressive sanctification is not easy, and it was not meant to be. God is reforming us with hammers of redemption. He is turning complainers into thanksgivers." (pg.49)

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