What Can You Thank God For?

July 2, 2008

After I shared on Mother's Day at our church, I remember thinking, "This just falls so short of the honor that she deserves. It's not saying enough. There's so much more I want to say!" I still feel that way, but I hope that it blessed my mom and encouraged others as well.

Josh, Tali, Owen and I have now been living at my parent's house for a month. After a month of being here, I have so many more reasons to thank God for my mom. She and my dad graciously gave us their upstairs and moved to the basement so that we could have more room. She joyfully plays with our kids each day, helping me do the normal life routines like diaper changes, meals, laundry, holding crying children, etc. She has never complained about the enormous amount of toys covering her floor or the extra work that we are bringing about in her life. I know that it simply doesn't seem like a big deal to her because God has really given her a gift for hospitality and she loves being a mom. She loves serving and she does it so well. I have much to learn from her example...

I know that I am incredibly blessed with the mom that God has given me and I don't want to forget that! For you, it may be harder to think of things that you can thank your mom for. Remember, God is perfect in His orchestration of families! You are handpicked for your mom and she is handpicked for you. (Likewise, your daughter is handpicked by God for you and you are handpicked by God for her!) I would encourage you to take just a moment to ask the Lord for something to thank your mom for, then call and let her know that you're thankful for her! It's a small way that we can honor the Lord by being grateful-after all, He gave up His only son for us! And, I'm sure it will bless your mom more than you know.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, this made me cry.
    So true!
    Love you!
