Another Day in His Hands

April 1, 2008

Another day ordained by a loving God that is utterly in control and kindly orchestrating my steps...

Another day of:
* Owen screaming in agony (not sure if it was reflux or his tummy this time)

* Tali chewing on everything in sight to ease the pain of 4 incoming teeth

* Scrambling to make dinner while carrying Owen around and trying not to get food on him

* Falling more in love with my husband when he surprised me by coming home early

* Enjoying Colossians and the truth that I can pray in confidence that God will fill me with the knowledge of His will

* Feeling exhausted and crying out to the Lord to give me the strength to keep loving and caring for my kids

* Surrendering my idea of a "good day" and resting in the knowledge that every day in His hands is a good one


  1. I'm sorry you had a hard day, but what grace that you can identify it as good from the Lord's hands!

  2. amen - especially the part about what we think a good day is...if only we knew what we deserved, amen?
    Love ya!

  3. I am right there with you! I just had 4 'good days' in a row, and looks like I'm tackling a 5th.

    Tali sure looks like a bundle of energy. That curly hair is too cute!

  4. Praying for you my friend!!!! I promise it gets better! Before you know it they both will be Big and playing together and this will only be a memory. But until then.... God is faithful to sustain you!

    Praying for a good day today!
